Can You Purchase Your Home During the Government Shutdown?
If you are in the process of purchasing your home and are worried about the government shutdown, recent news from Freddie Mac may have you sleeping a little better. The announcemen....

Maintain the Plumbing in Your Home Before Guests Arrive
There are many great things about owning your home, but dealing with plumbing problems is not one of them, especially as holidays approach. The good news is that there are several....

Smart Selling to Today’s Homebuyers
If you’re considering selling now that the housing market outlook is improving, take a few moments to consider how buyers have changed what they look for in the home buying p....

Steps to Winterizing Your Home
Autumn is in full swing, which means it’s a good time to start winterizing your home. Start off the season by getting your furnace inspected and cleaned if necessary. It’s ....

Dress Up Your Home with a Costume Party
Halloween is just around the corner, so it’s the perfect time to make plans for throwing the best costume party in your home. A costume party can be as simple or elaborate as you....

Real Estate Terminology: Ratios, the Third in a Series
In the vocabulary of real estate, various ratios help buyers and mortgage services determine the viability of a purchase. A ratio is a way of expressing the relationship between tw....