Help for Prospective Homebuyers
While there is no dearth of advice when it comes to saving up to buy a home, some of us just need a little more help. Introducing the Housing Counselor What, you ask, is a housing ....

Why Use Wood-Look Tile?
A newer trend sweeping the building industry is the use of wood-look porcelain or ceramic tiles. While natural wood flooring is still an optimal choice for most homes, here are som....

Futuristic Kitchen Upgrades
A recent display at the Saloni design fair in Milan, Italy, featured parts of Concept Kitchen 2025, a collaboration between IKEA, the IDEO design firm and Swedish design students. ....

Should I Haggle Over the Price?
Buying a home, especially for the first time, is emotional. You’ve saved and scrimped for months—years even—and now you’ve found the home of your dreams. You’....

Home Loans Especially for College Grads
With outstanding student loan debt topping $1.2 trillion, and more than 40 million borrowers carrying student loan debt, the age of first-time homebuyers is edging upwards. Among m....

What to Know about Summer Lawn Care
Lush greens and rolling verdant fairways stoke homeowner dreams of the perfect lawn. In most areas, July starts the season with the highest demand on the water supply. So maintaini....