Is Your House the Right Investment to Fund Retirement?
For many people, your home is your largest asset. Like your parents, and grandparents before them, you expect your home—in some way—to fund your retirement. For some of you, th....

Tax Tips for New Homeowners
Congratulations on your new home! Whether a condominium, cooperative apartment, single-family home, townhouse or mobile home, your home-sweet-home affects your tax status. If this ....

Energy Conserving Landscaping Tips
As you plan your landscaping for your new home, remember the green you plant outside affects the green you have left inside your pocketbook. Trees and shrubs can reduce the amount ....

Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic
Okay, so it’s not the Titanic. It’s your new house and you can’t seem to make your older furniture fit. Buying new furniture is out of the questions, so how do yo....

When to Get Pre-Approval for a Mortgage
If you’re even considering purchasing a home in the next year, the time to start the pre-approval process is now. Why so early? Here’s some advice to get you on track t....

9 Ways to Celebrate Independence in Your New Home
No matter when you close on your new home, there’s probably a holiday just around the corner giving you the perfect opportunity to host a party in your new digs. With Indepen....